Welcome to the Test Center

Our practice tests are just like real NCC certification examinations. They will help you become familiar with the NCC question format and comfortable with timed tests. Our tests help identify your knowledge strengths and gaps, and provide guidance for additional study by furnishing reference information for your incorrect answers.

We only offer one version of each test. When you take your 2nd try it will be the same questions as the first try. If you were to purchase the same test again - it will also have the same questions. No rationales are provided. You will have at least one year from date of  purchase to take your test. A test will expire one year after it is no longer sold.

Need some tips? Check out our testing tips.

These online practice tests are available to you immediately after purchase - just click the beige "My Tests" tab after you sign in.

How our online practice tests work

  1. Choose and Purchase a test from the specialty listings below. (Make sure you select the correct test — you cannot change test selection after purchase.)
  2. Take the test — it is available in "my tests" as soon as the purchase is complete. You can take it right away or at a later time. You may "save and exit" and the "resume" your test if needed. (You will have at least 1 year to take your purchased test.)
  3. Use the timer to gauge how you are progressing through the test. This timer is for your convenience ONLY and will not affect the outcome of your practice test. If you run out of time, the test is still active and can be completed and scored.
  4. Review your answers and make any changes you wish.
  5. Print the exam before you finalize your answers. Your score report will ONLY indicate the questions you answered incorrectly. In this way, you will have a copy of each question and your response.
  6. Finalize the Test to see how your scored and get the correct answers and references for any questions answered incorrectly. as a guideline for further study.
  7. Take the SAME test a 2nd time at no additional charge to see how you have improved! You can complete a purchased test twice.

No continuing education credits are issued for any practice examination.

Select from the specialties below for content outlines or to purchase.

CCPR Practice Exams
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Extremely Low Birth Weight
Inpatient Antepartum
Inpatient Obstetric Nursing
Low Risk Neonatal Nursing
Maternal Newborn Nursing
Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner

Exam Construction 
Read up on how NCC exams are construction with our Testing Tips

CCPR Review & Study Workbooks offer an organized way to study for both individuals and groups. CCPR workbooks provide chapter by chapter review using a variety of exercises and will help you get a comprehensive review of the content areas covered on a NCC certification examination.

Featured Study Materials:
Edition-2nd, Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner Review Course Post Test
1st Ed. Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Study Course Post Test
2nd Ed. Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Study Course Post Test
EFM Competency Assessment Toolkit
Edition-1st, Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner Review Course Post Test
more Study Materials...

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CCPR Publications, Practice Tests and the individual contributions contained in it are protected by copyright by the Publisher (except as noted herein). No part of these electronic or printed publications may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. For information, write The Center for Certification Preparation and Review (CCPR), 676 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 3600, Chicago IL 60611.

CCPR is an independent not for profit organization and is solely responsible for development of CCPR products. Utilization of any CCPR can serve as one way to prepare for NCC certification. Participation does not imply a guarantee that certification will be achieved.

Every effort is made to ensure the information in the CCPR products is accurate, however, CCPR disclaims any responsibility for any errors or omissions they may contain.

NCC has no responsibility for the development of CCPR products, but has provided authorization to reprint competency statements and test outlines where appropriate.

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©2025 The Center for Certification Preparation and Review
676 N Michigan Ave • Suite 3600 • Chicago IL 60611